May '10

Welcome To Crossroads Website
May '10

We are a church that believes in keeping it simple- Love God, Love Each Other and Love the World to Christ. We hope you find our site to be both friendly and informative and would love for you to come visit our church!
Whether you are looking for a church home or just visiting with us for a weekend service, we want you to have a pleasant experience! When you enter the building, your first encounter will most likely be with one of our friendly greeters waiting to welcome you to church.
Please come in and relax in our atrium before the service begins. Help yourself to a hot cup of coffee and a donut while you wait. If you have children, we offer safe and exciting programs that are age-appropriate just for them! Look for the signs directing you to our Kids Korner building or ask a greeter and they can show you where to go. We also have a nursery for toddlers.
A typical Sunday morning service lasts about 1 hour 15 minutes. Feel free to join us at either our 8:15 a.m. or 10:45 a.m. service. The services are identical so come whenever best suits your schedule.
Our services are very informal and uplifting. We have an incredible worship team with talented musicians and singers and our pastoral staff works hard to make sure the preaching is gospel-centered and applicable to daily life. Not sure what to wear? Dress ranges from shorts, blue jeans, to casual dress. You will feel comfortable in whatever you enjoy wearing.